Monday, December 14, 2015

Primo D4 official firmware & flashtool download link: Primo D4 Official firmware

Primo D4 official firmware & flashtool download link: Primo D4 Official firmware
Primo D4 Firmware upgrade instruction
# Install Driver by clicking “install” from “Driver” folder
# Open Flash tool (MultiPortDownload.exe file from flash tools folder)
1. Set Scatter-loading (“MT6572_Android_scatter.txt “file from “SW” folder)
2. Click, BootRom+Preloader COM Sel All
3. Click, Start All

4. Press and hold volume up key till progress start
5. Connect USB cable & insert battery
It will starts SW Upgrading and After several seconds, it will show “Cksm(USRDATA) OK…100% “ with green icon.

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