Thursday, January 17, 2013

[NEW] Nokia Care Suite PST 5.0 2012.51.4.4 [NEW]

Download Link : Nokia_Care_Suite_PST_5.0_2012.51.4.4.rar

Uninstall the older version before install this version.

New version of the Nokia Care Suite Product Support Tool 5.0 is available. It provides support for the Nokia Windows Phones (Lumia), the latest S40 series devices and products supported by the Testing and Tuning tool. Installation package and latest version of User Guide Document are attached.

For the products that are not supported in this release, old PST and Multi SW Updater version 2011.50.2 or Phoenix release needs to be used.

Bulletin Content

1. New features in the Care Suite 5.0

New version of Application Launcher with FiRe authentication:
New Care Pro channel requires login. Currently used Care Suite external channel is still available, it doesn’t require login.
In the future (P1 2013 is the target), Care Suite external channel will be ramped down.(SR3456)
If user gives NOL login credentials three times wrong, the account will be blocked for security reasons.
If account is blocked please try again in half an hour.

New version of Fuse UI. Functionalities are basically the same.

Data package download solution is renewed.
WP8 HW components’ ids are added to product info. They can be shown in test mode.
WP8 ALS and proximity sensor calibrations are added for RM-846, RM-867, RM-822 (SR3457).
WP8 gyroscope calibration is added for RM-867, RM-822.
Detailed recovery instructions with pictures are updated for RM-846.
WP8 device reboot is implemented to be done every time when problem occurs during flashing and device would stay in interrupted flash mode.
WP8 microphone test is improved.

2. Changes & Error corrections from previous version

Dynamic camera configuration solution is fixed.
DP selection bug in WP8 manual recovery is fixed.
WP8 battery level check is improved so that real battery level check is done for device with PR1.1 SW. (For older SW versions the UI notification is shown every time in the beginning of a refurbish operation.

Please note:

Offline installation: Uninstall previous version (2012.44.5) manually before installing this version.
Only the new Common Data Package Location (SR1315) is supported by default. If you need to use other Data Package Locations, they need to be added to the preferences manually.
Do not use Care Suite 4.0 and 5.0 simultaneously. They can be installed on the same PC and launched from the Nokia Application Launcher but not run at the same time.
If it seems that all features are not available on the left hand side of the screen, please click the small arrow next to the list. More features will be shown. This may happen if your screen is not maximized.
Lumia / Windows phones will reboot when they are disconnected – please wait for the phone to restart
Installation of FUSE drivers may take a long time. Therefore it is recommended that the Windows Automatic Driver Installation is disabled from the Control panel. Please go to Windows Control Panel -> System ->Advanced System Settings ->Hardware ->Device Installation Settings and select “Never install driver software from Windows Update”
PC must be connected to network, meaning that Ethernet cable must be connected to PC and connection needs to be configured to work properly. PC must be able to connect to for example internal network, but it is not necessary that PC has an online connection to Internet.

3. Known errors & limitations

Informing user about corrupted data package doesn’t work. Error message is not shown in case data package is corrupted
Battery level check UI notification is shown every time before flashing of WP8 device because battery level check is not yet supported on device side.
FLS-5 Drivers included in the installation package do not support 64-bit WIndows operating systems. Therefore Care Suite PST can not be used for servicing phones which use FLS-5 (USB_FBUS) connection.
Please do not use diacritical signs when selecting installation path for NCS.
Recovery or Refurbishment Flashing for Lumia Series Devices may fail on first attempt. Please try again, it works the second time around
Pictures will disappear during Series 40 device SW Update. This is related to product specific data package configuration Asha drivers don’t install when devices are connected via USB hub (on win7). Hub works if user installs drivers first via straight USB connection.
PST release 5.0 can be installed on the same PC with all current Nokia Service Software Applications, but simultaneous use with earlier PST version 4.0 is not possible

4. Reporting errors (manual reporting)

• Care Suite has been activated to the Genius – tool so error reporting works the same way as for the Phoenix Service Software. Please include log files, detailed description on how to reproduce the problem and screen shot to the case
• When reporting Nokia Care Suite errors, please attach application log files (if applicable). If error is reproduce able, please delete old existing log files, start service software, reproduce the error and then attach the log files to Genius case.

5. ZIP Package generator for reporting errors

You can use the ZIP Package Generate tool (Envira) to create a ZIP package with necessary files to report an error. Please do the following steps to generate the ZIP package file:
1. Launch troubleshooting application
2. Select which tool logs you need to generate (PST.MSU etc.)
3. In hours define period from which log files will be gathered in the ZIP package.
4. Press Create button and wait a while. When ZIP package is generated the content is displayed:
5. Press show Zip Folder button to open Explorer window with folder containing the generated ZIP package:
6. Notice that the generated ZIP package is highlighted by default. The ZIP packages should be removed manually when they are not needed any more.
7. Attach the generated ZIP package to the Genius Case.
8. Brief step by step description about how the error can be reproduced should be attached to the Genius Case.
9. Please also attach screen shot of error to the Genius Case.

6. HW & Tool requirements:

Please refer to Documents SR998 and SR999 in KICS Information Center.

7. Instructions for installation & use

User guide document and elearning material for Care Suite are downloadable from Nokia Online (NOL). Please check the availability of documentation from your local NOL (
Care Suite 5.0 can be installed on the PC with all current Service Software versions which use the FUSE connection manager, but not run simultaneously with Care Suite 4.0.
Before you start Phoenix or care Suite installation to Windows 7 the User Account Control (UAC) should be turned off from Windows Control Panel settings.
Please make sure that you have all the latest Windows updates installed.
Care Suite installation and use does not require that a dongle (PK-1, PKD-1 or FLS-5) is connected to PC. FLS-5 is only used for FBUS communication to phones which do not support direct USB connection

8. Supported products:

RM-761, RM-763, RM-781, RM-799, RM-800, RM-813, RM-884, RM-803, RM-809, RM-807, RM-832, RM-834, RM-810, RM-811, RM-812, RM-827, RM-837, RM-871, RM-808, RM-823, RM-802, RM-835, RM-836, RM-849, RM-724, RM-725, RM-819, RM-801, RM-596, RM-601, RM-609, RM-626, RM-639, RM-640, RM-659, RM-662, RM-670, RM-675, RM-679, RM-691, RM-692, RM-693, RM-694, RM-702, RM-704, RM-707, RM-718, RM-730, RM-749, RM-750, RM-754, RM-772, RM-774, RM-775, RM-776, RM-779, RM-766, RM-767, RM-768, RM-696, RM-714, RM-872, RM-873, RM-862, RM-863, RM-864, RM-824, RM-825, RM-826, RM-845, RM-867, RM-846, RM-852, RM-821, RM-820, RM-822, RM-889, RM-898, RM-907, RM-878, RM-838, RM-843, RM-844, RM-911, RM-913, RM-914, RM-915, RM-917, RM-918, RM-923, RM-885, RM-887, RM-860

Download Link : Nokia_Care_Suite_PST_5.0_2012.51.4.4.rar


Some Screenshots


Nokia Care Suite Tutorial - YouTube

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