Thursday, January 10, 2013

[Tutorial] Unlock HTC Desire/Bravo with HBOOT 1.02.0001


This is how you unlock a Desire/Bravo with the HBOOT 1.02.0001 already installed.

-Summary of steps-
1)Turn S-Off + Update HBOOT
2)Downgrade HBOOT to 0.93.0001 (Turns S-ON)
3)Unlock with XTC

I have personally tested this and it worked perfectly without any problems. However flashing anything to your phone is done at your own risk, & I accept no responsability for your device.

--Step 1--
Download and run the Revolutionary tool here Revolutionary to turn S-Off - Follow the steps on their website for how to do this if you get stuck.

Once you have run the Revolutionary tool, when it asks if you want to install the Clockworkmod recovery press no.

You will now have an S-Off phone running HBOOT 6.93.1002

--Step 2--
Format a microSD card, download the following zip file and save it to your memory card.

You should now have a single file on your memory card named

--Step 3--
Put the microSD card back in your phone and hold 'VOL+DOWN + ACTION' and press the power button to get to the HBOOT menu. Wait around 10 seconds (give or take) and the phone will detect the update and ask you to install it, Select yes to install then reboot your phone back into the HBOOT menu.

You will now have an S-On phone with the 0.93.0001 HBOOT

Unlock with XTC-Clip as you normally would - Creating goldcard with 0.93.X001 HBOOT.

Your phone will now be unlocked....

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